Shona River

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Beauty, Barbie, and Beyond

The 2023 Barbie film has grabbed our attention in the world of movies with its well-known character. But beyond the excitement, there's a surprising connection between this Barbie movie and the world of sex work. Let's explore this unique perspective.

Interestingly, the film reveals that the original purpose of Barbie dolls was encouragement. They were created to inspire young women that they could accomplish anything, from becoming builders to lawyers, doctors, presidents, etc. However, despite this positive intention, Barbie's portrayal of perfection sometimes leaves people feeling inferior, as if they can't measure up.

For me, Barbie has always been appealing. She looked beautiful and made me happy to play with her. I've always liked girly things and princesses, and Barbie feels like a friend who understands. This helped me feel good, unlike some others.

At the movie’s beginning, girls put aside their baby dolls when they see Barbie. Like me when I was young – I always chose Barbie. I enjoyed fairy tales. If you are beautiful, people will love you, and Prince Charming falls for you or, in Barbie’s case, Ken. This made me feel connected to Barbie's world even more.

I noticed something interesting. Just as the movie shows Barbie growing up, I grew up, too. I became a “Barbie,” in a way. I still find her beautiful, and I am aspiring to be beautiful. Although growing up, I am not the same little girl who played with Barbie and dreamt about Prince Charming. I also realized that life is not black and white. Both Barbie’s character in the movie and I matured sort of in the same way, and experiencing life in a more fulfilling way, where beauty is not everything, but still a huge part of our life. 

Yet, the Barbie movie isn't just about appearances. It also addresses real-world situations. It portrays how sometimes people believe boys are better than girls, and men and women hate women united. This is concerning. We should stand together and support one another, no matter our gender.

The movie also touches on looking attractive. People sometimes say that you can't be smart if you’re attractive. But if you don't look attractive, that's not good either. It's confusing. As a girl, I felt that I should look good but also that wanting to look good is wrong. It's not easy.
Being beautiful can also be challenging in dating life. Men often look but won’t engage, for example, in a bar or club. They find beauty intimidating. It scares them away. 

Barbie's world is flawless every day, but real life isn't. Real life can be messy and challenging. And that's perfectly fine.

This also connects to real life and the changing landscape of sex work. Platforms like OnlyFans empower women to make their own choices and earn money on their terms. This transformation challenges societal norms, though some people still don't approve. They don't understand, and the same issue arises: men and women will use this as an opportunity to hate and judge women together. 

Both in the movie and in real life, understanding and supporting each other are vital. Just as Barbie's story evolves, our thinking about gender roles should evolve too. We should all support one another, regardless of gender.

In conclusion, the unexpected connection between the 2023 Barbie movie and real life offers fresh insights into strength, self-discovery, and societal changes. Just as Barbie's story changes, our perceptions of gender roles should change too. The merging of these two stories teaches us that learning from each other can make the world better for everyone.